Jackson Kelly PLLC

Bank Notes


Banking 101: Paying Attention to Ratios and Why It Matters

Ratios. Percentages. Ranges. In banking, metrics matter. Too much liquidity? Too little liquidity? Increasing number of accounts more than 30 days past due? Increasing number of defaults? Too few new deposit accounts? Too small of a gap in interest rates? A small change in any one of the metrics measuring a bank’s performance can be the first indicator of a potential issue that could later turn…

Bankruptcy: Preparation is the Key to Optimizing Outcomes

This article was originally published in the July/August issue of Kentucky Banker Magazine.

Bankruptcy filing rates have remained subdued as we emerge from COVID-19 restrictions. However, many of the governmentally mandated or funded relief measures that have sustained many individuals and businesses are set to expire in the coming months. The removal of the support measures increases the risk of…

Five Pillars Supporting Community Bank Independence

Most community bank boards aspire to maintain long-term independence.Supporting that aspiration requires a commitment to five distinct pillars: Performance, Shareholders, Management, Leadership, and Vision. A consistent focus on all five pillars can significantly increase the bank’s chances of remaining independent or supporting a high price for being acquired. Neglecting any one pillar will…

PPP Loans and Change of Ownership

Transactions involving changing the ownership of borrowers with outstanding Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans will be subject to new requirements under a procedural notice (Notice) issued by the Small Business Administration (SBA) on October 2, 2020.1  The Notice addresses the circumstances under which lenders may approve a change of ownership, when and how SBA approval must be obtained, and…

Public and Investor Communications in the Midst of COVID-19

During the COVID-19 crisis, municipal and other bond issuers and borrowers need to be mindful of information provided to investors and lenders. Given the rapid changes, it is difficult to assess whether the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 crisis will only affect an organization’s short-term outlook, or if the impacts will ripple through long-term operations. Issuers and borrowers will receive…

Planning Can Improve the Health of Your Management Team

Strategic planning by the board of directors is a fundamental practice of good corporate governance.  But, management team planning is equally important.  If board strategic planning takes a view from 30,000 feet, management planning takes a view from 10,000 feet.

Managers regularly meet to work on specific projects, brainstorm ideas or gather information.  In most cases meetings focus on narrow or…

Sometimes the most important things get the least attention.

Strategic planning

Strategic planning is a vitally important responsibility that gets relatively little attention. Effective strategic planning can unleash an organization's potential, focus efforts in the right places, and energize teams to create amazing results.

Strategic planning is a requirement of sound bank management.  However, the time and effort devoted to planning is often much less…


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