Jackson Kelly PLLC

Energy and Environment Monitor


Federal court in Pennsylvania Invalidates Township Ordinance Prohibiting Oil and Gas Waste Disposal

By opinion of March 31, 2017, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania invalidated an ordinance adopted by Pennsylvania’s Grant Township.  The Township’s “Community Bill of Rights Ordinance” prohibited corporations from “engaging in the depositing of waste from oil and gas extraction” and invalidated any “permit, license, privilege, charter or other authority issued…

Maryland General Assembly Bans Fracking

Prior law in Maryland required its Department of the Environment to adopt a regulation by October 1, 2016 for the hydraulic fracturing of wells for exploration or production of natural gas, but provided they would not become effective until October 1, 2017. Further, the Department was prohibited from issuing fracking permits until October 2017.

A new bill passed by both the House and Senate of the…


On March 23, 2017, the Colorado Court of Appeals issued a decision that has the potential to make future oil and gas development in the State very difficult, if not impossible. See Martinez v. Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Comm., No. 16-CA-0564, Opinion. In what is becoming something of a trend of activist groups bringing legal actions purportedly on behalf of minors (see also …

EPA Withdraws 2016 Information Request on Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Industry

On November 10, 2016, EPA issued Information Collection Request requiring oil and natural gas companies to provide extensive information that EPA desired to develop regulations for reducing methane emissions from existing oil and gas sources.

The information request was sent to more than 15,000 owners and operators in the oil and gas industry. The request was comprised of two parts:  An…

Outgoing FERC Commissioner Urges Commission to Broaden Analysis of Need for and Effect of Pipelines: Effect May Be to Increase Direct Action by Pipeline Opponents

Norman Bay’s tenure as Chairman and a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ended with his resignation effective February 3. He resigned after President Trump appointed another member of FERC to serve as chairman. The resignation leaves the Commission, which is authorized to have 5 members, with only 2 members; one short of a quorum.

In one of Bays’ last acts, he voted with the other…

How the Congressional Review Act (CRA) Allows Congress to Undo Executive Branch Regulations

The Congressional Review Act (“CRA”) allows Congress to disapprove so-called “midnight” rules of an outgoing administration. But, disapprovals require congressional approvals and are subject to presidential vetoes—making them of limited utility where a rule was issued by an agency of a current president.  Thus, while Congress voted to disapprove several rules under the Obama administration,…

Monkey Wrenches on the Way: Anti-Pipeline Group from the Midwest Wants in on the Appalachian Action

According to a recent publication by Inside Climate News, a group claiming to have played  a pivotal role in the efforts to block the Keystone XL Pipeline, is here to help wage war against the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines. A group known as Bold Alliance bills itself as a network of “small and mighty” groups in rural states (Nebraska, Iowa, Louisiana and Oklahoma), which…

Federal Judge Tells EPA It’s Time to Obey the Law

As we have previously reported, Murray Energy is pursuing an action against EPA in federal court in in the Northern District of West Virginia arguing that EPA failed to discharge an obligation under Section 321(a) of the Clean Air Act to evaluate the job impacts of its Clean Air Act rules.

After rejecting numerous attempts by EPA to limit discovery, the district court (Judge Bailey) granted…


In 2015, EPA released a draft study finding that hydraulic fracturing is not having “widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water.” This conclusion – reached in the apparent absence of widespread, systemic impacts – seemed eminently sound, if not obvious.

But an uproar ensued. Two of the Obama Administration’s staunchest allies – the green lobby and trial lawyers – opposed the draft report’s…


My colleagues and I have the privilege of working with coal operators every day in the places where coal is mined in this country. From coal basins in Appalachia to Illinois to the Powder River Basin, we have had the pleasure of helping those who mine the coal that powers our homes and makes our steel.

In recent years, the challenges have been numerous, to put it mildly. Undoubtedly, many of those…

Little Known Agency Assumes New Enforcement Powers

A little known federal agency in charge of pipeline safety has just issued a new regulation that represents a major change in its enforcement authority over regulated pipelines. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), an independent agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation, has announced an “Interim Final Rule” (IFR) on its website which will authorize it to…

ExxonMobil Sued by Climate Activists for Failure to Account for Climate Risks to Oil Storage Facility in Massachusetts

The Conservation Law Foundation has sued Exxon in Massachusetts for failing to acknowledge and respond to climate-based risks posed to the environment by its petroleum terminal in Everett, Massachusetts. The Complaint claims the terminal lies below the level of a storm surge that occurred in 1978 and if FEMA were to update flood hazard maps through the area, then the terminal would likely fall…


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