Jackson Kelly PLLC

Energy and Environment Monitor

Environmental Litigation

Murray Energy Seeks Review of Additional Documents in Jobs Lawsuit Against EPA

We have previously reported about Murray Energy’s lawsuit against EPA in the Northern District of West Virginia.  There, Murray claims that EPA has failed to conduct studies on the impacts of its rules and enforcement policies on coal industry jobs pursuant to Section 321(a) of the Clean Air Act.  EPA filed a motion for summary judgment in early May.  Murray claims that EPA has…

Has the Supreme Court Changed the Law of Standing?

“Standing” is a legal principle which is fundamental to every environmental case filed in federal courts. Because the Constitution grants federal courts power to hear only actual “cases and controversies”, a litigant must allege facts to demonstrate why the federal court has the authority to hear the case.  Those facts must identify 1) a legal injury suffered, 2) that is traceable to the…

Designation of Critical Habitat for Northern Long-Eared Bat Not Prudent

On April 27, 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published a decision reversing their prior decision and determining that designation of critical habitat is not prudent for the Northern Long-Eared Bat (NLEB).

The NLEB is a wide-ranging species that is found in a variety of forested habitats in summer and hibernates in caves and mines in winter. The FWS determined that the fungal…

Sierra Club Sues West Virginia Over Mine Reclamation Sites (Again)

The Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign has generated another suit against West Virginia.

The Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) requires coal operators to reclaim mine sites after mining. To insure that reclamation occurs, operators must post reclamation bonds. West Virginia and many other states have an alternative bonding system that requires operators to both post a…

On Remand, EPA Determines Cost of Mercury Air Rule was Reasonable

On June 29, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled that EPA erred when it failed to take cost into account in evaluating whether it was “appropriate and necessary” to regulate hazardous air pollutants (mercury) from coal- and oil-fired electric generating units. See Michigan v. EPA, No. 14-46 (June 29, 20150).  The rule, known commonly as the “Mercury and Air Toxics Standards” or…

Coal-bed Methane Included within a Conveyance of “Coal and Minerals”

In a unanimous decision, the Virginia Supreme Court affirmed on Thursday that a conveyance of “coal and minerals” includes coal-bed methane (CBM). The decision represents an incremental expansion of the Court’s 1936 Warren v. Clinchfield Coal decision which held that severance deed which conveyed “coal and minerals” included conventional oil and gas. The plaintiff/appellant in the present case…

EPA Proposes to Add Clarksburg, WV Site to Superfund National Priorities List

In the April 7, 2016 Federal Register, EPA proposed to add a site in Clarksburg, West Virginia to National Priorities List.  The NPL is intended to guide EPA in determining which sites containing hazardous substances warrant further investigation and remediation under CERCLA.

According to a press release by EPA Region 3, the North 25th Street Glass and Zinc site in Clarksburg consists of…

How the Federal Government Is Coming after Water, and Whether It Will Get It

In February, the U.S. EPA and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) jointly released a draft technical report entitled “Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of Hydrologic Alteration.”  This 92 page text summarizes the received wisdom among the regulatory agencies. They include the following observations: “flow regime plays a central role in supporting healthy aquatic ecosystems and the ecological…

AQB to Decide WVONGA Challenge to General Permit

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s (“WVDEP”) Division of Air Quality (“DAQ”) recently issued two General Permits regulating air pollution in the oil and gas industry, both of which have been challenged by the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association (“WVONGA”) as exceeding the Agency’s authority. During the public comment process, DAQ dismissed complaints about…

AQB to Decide WVONGA Challenge to General Permit

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s (“WVDEP”) Division of Air Quality (“DAQ”) recently issued two General Permits regulating air pollution in the oil and gas industry, both of which have been challenged by the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association (“WVONGA”) as exceeding the Agency’s authority. During the public comment process, DAQ dismissed complaints about…

EPA Proposes to Expand its Accidental Release and Risk Management Program Rules under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act

EPA has released a pre-publication copy of a proposed rule to expand its risk management program under § 112(r)(7) of the Clean Air Act.  EPA has long maintained a risk management program (“RMP”) under § 112(r) of the Clean Air Act for “stationary sources” that hold “regulated substances” in excess of threshold quantities. See 40 C.F.R. Part 68.  These facilities have been…


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