Jackson Kelly PLLC


Election Day Reminders

By: Whitney G. Clegg

As we approach Election Day, let us appreciate our collective opportunity to participate in civic life and speak the language of democracy, which is the vote. This is our opportunity to have a voice in choosing the elected officials and deciding the issues that will have an impact on our lives, our loved ones, and our communities. Below are some points to keep in mind as we head to the polls.


  • The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is a very important part of any democracy. By exercising the right to vote, citizens are participating in the democratic process.
  • The right to vote comes with a responsibility to be informed and prepared to vote. An informed voter is knowledgeable about the issues and positions of the candidates that will appear on the ballot. 
  • On election day, if the polls close when you are still in line, stay in line because you have the right to cast your vote.
  • If you make a mistake on your ballot before it is cast and you need a new one, you may ask for a new one.
  • If the voting machines are down at your polling place, you may ask for a paper ballot.
  • If you do not have your photo ID (if one is required), or your name does not appear on the voting list and you believe it should be there, you may ask for a provisional ballot.
  • If you need help or an accommodation in casting your ballot, you may ask an election official for help.


Happy Election Day!


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