Jackson Kelly PLLC


Jackson Kelly Happy to Participate in National Mentoring Month

January 18, 2022

By: Ellen S. Cappellanti

It’s exciting that during National Mentoring month we get a special opportunity to mentor. My goal for Jackson Kelly is that through mentorship, we foster an environment that empowers young lawyers to succeed in the legal world and beyond.

Mentorship is so important. One of the reasons I was successful is that I had other women around me. If we do not have leaders or peers you can relate to, you should reach out to others who are not part of your employment world for guidance and support; conversely, for those that see really promising young talent, even older talent, reach out to them. It goes both ways.

The best advice I can offer to those who need mentoring and to those that want to mentor is:

  1. Toot your own horn, or encourage those to toot their own horn, humbly.
  2. Tell lawyers traditionally underrepresented in law firms to quit apologizing for things that are not their fault.
  3. A good mentor pushes someone to do something they are reluctant to do because they do not have the confidence in themselves. When we know they can be successful at something, it’s our job to encourage them. Push them out there and let them do this!

If you are interested in being a mentor, or in need of one, please reach out to me at ecappellanti@jacksonkelly.com or someone at the Firm and we will be happy to get you started on the right path. 


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