Webinar - Working with Borrowers Financially Stressed by COVID-19: Critical Issues for Commercial Lenders
First in a series of four 50-minute webinars
April 13, 2020
Jackson Kelly PLLC and Arnett Carbis Toothman LLP are providing this FREE webinar with the West Virginia Bankers Association and has applied for CLE and CPE credit. Lending in times of widespread financial disruption requires renewed awareness of the strategies, tactics, and risks associated with lending to financially stressed borrowers. This series of four 50-minute webinars will cover:
- Building your debt restructuring and workout process.
- Managing risks of workouts including lender liability and bankruptcy.
- Loan modifications under ASC 310-40 and COVID-19 relief measures.
- Examiner expectations for loan workouts related to COVID-19 and beyond.
This series is designed to assist decision-makers involved in evaluating, underwriting, negotiating, reporting, monitoring, documenting, and managing distressed credits. This series will be of interest to bank CEOs, CFOs, CLOs, lending officers, accountants, and counsel.
For more information or to register please visit here.