Julie E. Merow is an Associate practicing in the Banking & Finance practice group, focusing primarily on municipal finance matters. She practices out of the Firm’s office in Charleston, West Virginia.
Julie has experience serving as bond counsel on public financing projects, including economic and infrastructure development projects. Her practice focuses on public finance, municipal and tax-exempt bonds, and government relations with an emphasis on water and wastewater projects throughout West Virginia. Julie also has experience serving as underwriter’s counsel and working in securities law, including blue sky filings, assisting in preparing offering materials, and performing due diligence for commercial and public transactions.
Julie earned a Bachelor of Science degree in public relations from West Virginia University, Reed College of Media. She then earned a Juris Doctor from West Virginia University College of Law. Prior to joining Jackson Kelly, Julie worked as a litigation associate and performed regulatory and policy work for corporate clients.
In her free time, Julie loves being outdoors, entertaining and cooking for friends and family, and following college sports. She is a devoted WVU and LSU fan, with a goal to see as many football and baseball stadiums as possible.