Jackson Kelly PLLC

Government Contracts Monitor

Procurement News and Analysis

Transforming the Federal Marketplace

On December 4, 2014, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) announced a new strategic plan to create a more innovative, effective and efficient federal acquisition system.  This plan focusses on three core elements:  (1) buying as one through Category Management, (2) driving innovation through developing and deploying talent and tools across agencies, and (3) building…

Pre-Award Departure of Proposed Project Manager: Is it a False Statement Not to Amend Your Proposal?

The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently tackled the interesting issue of whether or not an awardee’s failure to modify its proposal prior to award – to reflect the pre-award departure of its proposed Project Manager – represents a false statement under the False Claims Act (FCA).  Under the facts presented in United States ex rel. American Systems…

Small, Women-Owned? Congress Allows Sole-Source Awards, But No More Self-Certification

The recently-enacted National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015 (NDAA-15) includes two important changes for Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs).  First, the Act authorizes certain sole source awards to WOSBs, ending a long effort to bring the WOSB program in line with other socio-economic programs that have long authorized sole source awards.  Second, the Act…

ShortTake: Bold Blatant Bribery

The Justice Department has announced that a 44 year old retired Army Sergeant Major working as a civilian contracting official for the Army, James Warner, was arrested on January 28th for allegedly soliciting bribes from company executives.  DOJ Press Release.

According to the affidavit filed by the government in support of the criminal complaint, Warner met with executives of Company A, a…

Incumbent Left Behind

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently held that procuring agencies are not required to solicit the incumbent for follow-on Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) work, notwithstanding statutory and regulatory changes designed to enhance competition and provide notice “to as many contractors as practicable.” Technical Professional Services, Inc., B-410640, decided Jan. 20, 2015.  GAO…

Changes to Limitations on Subcontracting

As reported in this blog back in March of 2013, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) made significant changes to the limitations on subcontracting for small business set-aside contracts.  Now, twenty-one months later, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has proposed a new rule to implement those changes.  While faithfully implementing the statutory…

ShortTake: Past Performance v. Experience - Don’t Conflate the Two

In a protest decided last week, a disappointed bidder, Amyx, argued that the government was inconsistent in its evaluation of Amyx’s bid since Amyx received only a “good” rating under the relevant experience criterion but an “outstanding” rating under the past performance criterion, an argument that intuitively may seem correct since the government’s ratings were based on the same projects for…

Avoid the ‘New and Improved’ Strain of Incumbentitis

Just as people across the country have begun to recover from this year’s particularly nasty flu variant, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a decision involving an especially virulent form of Incumbentitis.  This strain manifests as an incumbent’s touting a new and improved version of the same technology it used to perform the prior contract.  However understandable…

Agency Must Update Solicitation When It Changes Its Buying Strategy

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently sustained a protest where the Navy’s evaluation did not reasonably reflect its planned purchases.  Specifically, GAO found that the Navy should have updated its solicitation for a $2.4 billion information technology modernization contract as soon as the Navy changed its buying strategy. “Where an agency’s requirements materially change…

New Year’s Resolutions – Reassess Your Size Status, Update Your DSBS and SAM Listings and Check Your Past Performance Ratings

Happy New Year!  The start of a new year is a time for New Year’s Resolutions.  Here are several we strongly urge you to follow-through on early in 2015.

1.   Reassess Your (and Any Subcontractors’) Small Business Size Status:  Most companies operate on a calendar year for tax reporting purposes.  For such companies the start of a new tax year, and the end of the prior year, means a change…


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