Jackson Kelly PLLC

Government Contracts Monitor

Procurement News and Analysis

Shine a Light: Examine and Understand What You’re Protesting

The performance of Government contracts often requires the use of contractors’ preexisting data.  Your rights in this data are frequently very valuable – sometimes even indispensable to your continued existence. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that when submitting a proposal for a government contract it is crucial that you understand and articulate your rights and those of the…

Beware “Incumbentitis” – It Can Be Fatal

Despite all the alarming news about Ebola in the press these days, government contractors face another ailment that’s also scary and, unfortunately, far more common. Known as incumbentitis, this disease all too often prevents contractors from winning renewals of their existing contracts. The symptoms include overconfidence based on past performance; an inability to notice changes in an agency’s…

Short Take: Too Much Knowledge Can Be a Disadvantage: Fraudulent Receipt of Confidential Government Information

A 54-year old Virginia executive, Mark Farmer, was indicted in October for allegedly providing things of value to the former director of two Ohio Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers.  The alleged quid pro quo was that, in exchange for these items of value, the VA director provided confidential information to Farmer about various VA construction projects.  The charges in the…

Short Take: Changes to Agency Management of Software Licenses on the Horizon

Many companies licensing software to federal agencies have been frustrated by their government customers’ apparent inability to effectively manage their licensing efforts. Too often agencies either: (i) buy more licenses that they need and later ask for rebates or concessions because they “didn’t use the software”; or (ii) purchase too few licenses and exceed licensed usage limits, triggering a…

It’s Dangerous to be Late: Understand Your Appeal Rights

Last month the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) affirmed that even a defective termination notice starts the 90-day appeals clock, unless the contractor can establish it was actually prejudiced by the defective notice.  In Mansoor International Development, ASBCA No. 58423, September 04, 2014, the ASBCA denied the government’s motion to dismiss  the appeal as untimely,…

Key Personnel: Can you Stand Silent If Your Proposal Is No Longer Accurate?

According to a recent decision by the General Accountability Office (GAO) the answer is “No.”  If you submit a proposal with a key personnel requirement, and one or more of your proposed key people are no longer available, your proposal is no longer technically acceptable. Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. (Booz Allen) just learned this the hard way when Paradigm Technologies (Paradigm) protested,…

Sole Source Awards Continue Unabated – Poor Procurement Planning Prevails

Federal law and regulations require our Government to award contracts on a competitive basis, to the maximum extent practical.  Yet more than 30 years ago the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that “32 percent of the sole-source contracts it examined could have been awarded on a competitive basis.”  The problem: ineffective management, including market research and advance…

Short Take: Contracting Officers (Still) Not Monitoring 8(a) Compliance with Subcontracting Limitations

A September 16, 2014 Government Accountability Office (GAO) (GAO-14-706) concluded that contracting officers (COs) are not properly monitoring subcontracting by 8(a) prime contractors to ensure compliance with applicable subcontracting limitations.  Indeed, only two of the COs associated with the 10 contracts GAO reviewed had asked for and reviewed necessary information and made certain that the…

Short Take: Department of Defense Proposes Updates to Improve Disclosure of Public Information

On September 3, 2014, the Department of Defense (DoD) issued a notice of proposed changes to the DoD’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program, 32 C.F.R. Part 286.  The proposed rule seeks to promote uniformity in the program and streamline the process to acquire public records through a FOIA request.  Among other things, the proposed rule would amend the DoD FOIA website to make it…


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